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DIY drinks and self-love

I'm into drinking. And I'm not talking about alcohol.

I'm talking about all the many delicious juices, milks, infusions, flavored waters, and smoothies that are out there. "Green Goddess Galore" and "Beets love Oranges". I'm totally embarrassed to admit how much I can spend on these plastic bottles of liquid flavor and nutrition. Especially given that I still believe that whole fruit is, by and large, a better option for people like me who want to make sure we don't become diabetic. (Juice made from fruit = fructose => sugar. No, its not as bad as processed sugar or white flower, but still.)

And then there is the accumulation of plastic bottles. Even if your bottles are recycled, its

still not a great option.If you don't know the truth about recycling plastic, read this Atlantic article.

I know buying all these bottled juices is NOT a great option for my budget, my belly or the planet. But I still like them.

SO. I'm now getting into DIY drinks.

I see this as a form of self-love. Love my budget. Love my belly. Love our planet. Love the fun of doing it myself.

Reduce Reliance on Plastic.

I mean, would Jesus really buy all this plastic? I don't think so. I like to think Jesus would find a juicer. Or maybe he would just turn it into wine. Except I'm not trying to increase how much wine I drink. Different times. Anyways. Moving on.

Not long ago I figured out how Amazingly Easy it is to make great almond milk (almonds plus water in the blender - just push the button and watch milky marvelous emerge)! And I've been infusing my water with variations of cucumbers, basil, mint, frozen blueberries (cheaper when buying bulk and last longer), and lemon.

Today I've been experimenting with making some of my favorite concoctions that I can drink during the week. I put honey, lemon and grated ginger in a pot of water and boil it. Boiling it intensifies the flavor and enables good mixing, especially of the honey, so it is not just in the bottom of the container. I let it cool and then pour it into a glass jar which I put in the fridge, keeping in the ginger and lemon pieces. This version is usually condensed flavor. This is good: later, when thirsty, I mix the intensified flavor with regular water for my water bottle when I'm out, or when I just want something refreshing in the middle of the afternoon.

It tastes great. And it is So Satisfying to know I made it myself.

And its yet another small way we can enjoy our lives - with less plastic ....and greater self-sufficiency.

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