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"Usually after a massage, I feel really good, but I also feel like something is missing. This time, with you, I don't feel like something is missing. I think that is because you bring in the spiritual component. You integrate the spiritual in what you do. I know they didn't teach you that at massage school! You must have had a long journey to learn how to do that. Thank you - for your journey and what you bring to this. I can tell that continuing to work with you is going to bring me something I've been looking for for a long time ." - Kathy N.

"I don't know how you do it, but somehow during our sessions my relationship to birds, which has for so long been an important part of me has been able to expand and deepen, and I've gained understandings about myself and this new phase of my life that have been at the level of deep somatic knowing that surpasses intellectual understanding. This work is not about the mind, it is about the heart and the body and our innate wisdom, and you can work at that level." - Ellen B.
"It is said that God heals. Some of us who follow God can put their hands on another and healing will happen. Whether or not you are praying out loud, I want you to know that your hands are praying.  Every time you touch someone you are praying with your hands. You have touched me in more ways than you know. I cannot explain it to you. But God knows and He sent you to me. Your ministry is blessed.  " - A Minister of Music in the Baptist tradition
"Following an injury, I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement and had been doing physical therapy for about a month but not seeing much improvement - after one session with Sara I had immediate and significant improvement in both my level of pain and range of motion. After what had been a very mechanical series of exercises through PT, the treatment from Sara was a deep and integrated approach to body and relationship to body - addressing the deeper origins and consequences of being out of alignment. I strongly recommend taking advantage of the opportunity to work with Sara!!" - Anna M.
"Sara has given me sessions for over 10 years. She has very strong hands and knows what to do for my body. She does deep tissue work and can do light work as well. She is terrific in giving my body twists. She is a very enjoyable person." - Larry B.
"I experienced in my body the cumulative effect on one session on the next one. What healing was not complete in the first session occurred during the second one. Sara's intuition is highly developed; she listens deeply, and she has access to a variety of non-physical energy sources. Her respect for those forces is palatable." - Bella E.
"It's amazing what was able to happen after a very short time. I feel lighter, freer, more at ease. I can breath better - and all of that under 30 minutes - amazing!" - Janice N.
"The bodywork was tailored to my individual physical and spiritual needs beautifully. The result was deep relaxation and sense of healing for my body/mind/spirit. I would not call it massage - it is so much more than that. I highly recommend this service." - Amy K.
"You are truly gifted. Thank you for doing this work." - Georgia P.
"I felt peace after our first session. A week later, I still feel peace. The effects, the sense of peace, lasted. That has never happened to me before. And my shoulders have stopped hurting!" - Sanju T.

A client asked me to see her sister who was suffering from hip pain post-surgery that was not going away and she was refusing to do the exercises recommended to her by her physical therapist. After two sessions a week apart, she wrote me the following note:

Just want you to know that your magic has brought magic into J’s life and body.  She just amazes me right now.  There have been NO complains about her hip.  She loves doing her physical therapy exercises, and has said she thinks they are very helpful!!!  On Saturday, when I entered her room, she was on her bed doing her exercises!!!  Last year it was a constant push from me and resistance from her!  She even went to church on Sunday, the first time in at least 2 months.  Lately not going has been because of her sore hip. Thank you!" 

Trine, an appreciative client pictured below, is herself a healer working with women in Toronto, Canada. As part of our work together, we worked with the altars in her home.

Dear Sara, thank you so much for the time we spent together in my home, which is still supporting and guiding me every day to create a life which is true to who I am. 

With the support of you gave through gentle conversation, song, drumming, spirit work, and body work I felt guided from a very different place than your normal massage or coaching experience. 


You helped me feel my home space both around me and with in me. I start my mornings now by my alter with both feet solid on the ground from a place of feeling calm, connected and trusting that everything will work out just the right way, what a difference. 

Fears, anger, regret, lack of confidence, and self love, so often stops us from being all that we can be, or leave us feeling unwell. You dear Sara guide people back to themselves, their living space and Mother Earth in a whole, non judgmental, and wise way. 


I have been actively calling in to my life a community of amazing women to support each other and share as we all enter into this new time of Shakti rising, and you are for sure in my tribe! You offer the trust and inspiration we all need to keep going. 

My time with you was a time of connecting on so many levels to self, to a sister, to ancestors, to spirit and to the past and future all in one. Our time was simply magical and I highly recommend working with you to anyone who are serious about themselves and following their true spirit.


Thank You,
Trine Veiss Mikkelsen

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© 2017 by Sara Jolena Wolcott, M.Div.



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