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The Story of Sacred Bodywork

My grandmother always said I had magical hands.
From the age of five years old I was doing healing work on her feet.
At 17, I entered the McKinnon Institute of Massage Therapy, becoming one of their youngest graduates at age 18.
I've been practicing, learning, and engaging in various healing modalities in the over 20 years since then. 
I was always "good". But massage therapy by itself was also... boring. Sure, my clients said I walked on water, and that was always nice to hear. But it was so - physical. My mind wandered. I assumed my "real career" was in the more intellectual and socially engaged work around adapting to climate change. I thus spent most of my twenties overseas, from villages in India to board rooms in London, learning about social and ecological healing - and about our world. I kept practicing one-on-one healing work, but did not give it much thought.
Then, about five years ago, everything changed.
When working on a client, I started receiving a different kind of instructions from the inner voice that I associate with the Sacred.  I started taking clients off the table. I started working with narrative and songs, stories and dance, silences and ritual. I started working with my client's own ways of prayer and other spiritual practices, their artistic and craft work, and their home/outdoor space energy.
The difference was astounding. 
Instead of "just" saying, "that was an amazing massage," people started telling me stories about their ancestors, receiving visions, going on "journeys", and connecting with profoundly deep peace.
"Peace" is probably the most consistent word that people use when we are finished. "Profound" is another. And the feelings, including tangible physical healing, lasts for days if not weeks, sometimes leading to significant shifts. 
I've been doing this out-of-the-box healing work ever since. Every session has been memorable. I'm never bored, and my clients receive two or three times the level of physical, emotional and spiritual connectivity as before. 
As I completed my Masters of Divinity at Union Theological Seminary, I started doing more rituals and coaching/spiritual direction/spiritual training for individuals and couples. I found that there were many similarities with the somatic work I did.  Most of my sessions were over the internet, and I began incorporating energy work, art, and somatics into them, even though I was physically far from them.  These have also been remarkable, and remain important especially for those who are not able to see me in person. 
During COVID-19, safety is a top priority. I am currently doing limited bespoke outside sessions.
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